Frequently Asked Questions
What curriculum do we use, and how is it taught virtually?
Core Subjects of Math, ELA, Hebrew Culture & Torah Studies, Science and Social Studies are included in the Base Tuition. Various Electives will be available at additional costs. Blended High Scope Interactive Methods used with Common Core Standard Framework along with Hebrew Culture & Torah Studies. We will mirror classroom activities by using shipped textbooks or screenshots to obtain student samples.
What do we expect from parents during the school year?
We expect our parents to pay tuition on time, allowing our Educators/Dedicators to be compensated in a timely manner.
Prepare students for school the same as in-person school setting (i.e. proper rest the night before, eat breakfast, ready to learn).
Parents should be nearby while students are in class to assist students if needed, but allow the Educators/Dedicators to perform their job in accordance with a regular classroom.
Attend meetings to be supportive of the educational community in a manner that is measurable and observable.
Print learning materials and assist students with at-home enrichment activities.
We also expect parents to help with fundraising.
What is Torah-Based learning? How does that work with core subjects?
Torah-Based learning reflects the teaching of academics that align with the Creator’s Laws, Statutes and Commandments as outlined in the The Old Testament. It includes activities surrounding the Weekly Torah Portion that incorporate cross curricular teaching of core subjects. The objective is to instill a high level of understanding the Creator, His requirements and a strong sense of Self-Identity and its value to our Nation. The expected result is Daniel 1:4 –“youths in whom (there is) no blemish, but fair to look on, skillful in all wisdom, skillful in knowledge, discerning in thought, and such as (have) ability to stand in” ….any situation confidently!
Why do we need to start a school for the Nation of Yisrael? How do our children benefit from this?
In addition to the crucial need to unify in these trying times as one Nation on the principles upon which we can agree - YAH is the Creator, We are His People and our obligation to follow His Torah, DDA is the solution to:
Disparity in education,
Mandatory vaccines,
Threat of school violence
Abolishment of the history of our people.
Pandemic disruption of our children's educational process
Moral and cultural decline
The quest for the preserving the sanctity of Creator assigned birth roles
What are multi-age group classrooms, and how will my child benefit in this type of class setting?
Multi-age grouping is a system that allows students to move at their own pace educationally. It proves to be successful in creating a learning community. “Each-one-teach-one” peer learning is an antidote to the cookie-cutter approach as it focuses on the success of individualized learning outcomes. It is the setting that reinforces familyhood which is a major stepping stone to fostering nationhood.
What educational platforms do we use throughout the school year?
Our educational platforms include but are not limited to: IXL, Zoom, Google classroom and WhatsApp
What textbooks will be used to assist with learning concepts?
Textbooks will vary throughout grade levels. Some classes may use virtual PDF documents and or images.
How do I enroll my child?
www.GeorgiaHebrewAcademy.com or call 706-998-0263